Ham radio in the forest

When I left college, my academic deferment from active duty in the Naval Reserve expired, so I shipped-out in fall 1966. I was a Radioman aboard the USS Sellers (DDG-11), home-ported in Charleston, SC. At the time, I had a Sideband Engineers SB-34 transceiver installed in my car, and I took this rig on occasional weekend camping trips in a nearby state forest.

A note on the back of this photo says the antenna was a 65' wire in an "L" shape. It probably was a quarter-wave on 80M, likely with no balancing counterpoise (or just a short ground rod).

The blue box to the right of the orange soda can contains a Lafayette 20,000 ohms-per-volt multimeter, a superb meter that I treasured and used until 2012. I discarded it when the embedded ohmmeter zero-adjust potententiometer failed. A loss, indeed!

Updated March 3, 2025