The ham shack shares space with my home office. The equipment fits nicely on a homemade 10' walnut desk completed in July 2014.
From left-to-right are:
The deep-space image on the computer monitor is known as Messier 101 in the constellation Ursa Major. Nicknamed the Pinwheel Galaxy, it is a face-on spiral galaxy about 21 million light years from Earth.This is one of many deep-space objects I've photographed in our backyard observatory.
After struggling for two years with a digital clock that didn't keep good time, I made an analog clock for the shack.
I found a finished piece of ¼" walnut left over from the desk, and cut it to fit snugly between two hutch shelves. I glued on a 3" clock face created in Adobe Illustrator, drilled a center hole, mounted a quartz clock movement, installed hands, and it was complete.
Updated March 3, 2025